The property that was restored for BBC One’s ‘Amanda and Alan’s Spanish Job’.


We are expecting an unprecedented amount of interest in this property when it is launched onto the market on 14th March 2025. We are inviting offers in excess of €245,000 for the property, and it is important to remember that the house is being sold in aid of charity, with proceeds to be donated to the BBC’s ‘Children in Need’ and ‘Comic Relief’ fundraising organisations.

To qualify interested prospective purchasers, we request that some information be provided prior to any formal offers being discussed. This information will be required of anyone wishing to express an interest in the purchase of the property and before any offer can be considered.

Please complete the form as fully as possible; information provided does not form part of any contract. If you want to make an offer for the property, please use the ‘Message’ box in the form and outline your best and final offer for the property. We will then contact you.

*We can introduce you to immigration lawyers and mortgage advisors in Spain to help with these aspects of buying a property in Spain, if necessary.


If several identical offers are made for this property, we may request that best and final offers are reviewed and re-submitted by way of sealed bids and before a date to be determined. Prospective purchasers must be in a position to sign a contract and pay a deposit before a set date, also to be determined.

The lawyers for the vendors (on behalf of the production company for the BBC) have all the relevant documentation for the property and will draw up the sale/purchase contract as soon as a formal offer has been accepted.